Explain How To Promote Dental Hygiene

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1. Divine Dental Promotes ADA’s Dental Awareness Week at Noosa Civic Shopping Centre
August is the Australian Dental Association’s annual Dental Health Week and we feel it’s the perfect time to focus on getting your dental health back on track. This year, the ADA is focusing on ‘Oral Health for Busy Lives’ which applies to most of us these days. We know many people find it difficult to fit in regular dental care appointments or even making the time to brush and floss properly. At Divine
Dental, we understand how busy your life can become which is why we are open every Saturday and also have early morning and evening appointments available, so you can see us when it’s convenient for you. Be sure to pick up your free oral goodie bag from our stand in Noosa Civic or simply just pop into the practice.

2. When you smile, the whole world smiles with you …show more content…

Endorphins are released when you smile which make us feel happy and less stressed. Smiling also makes the people around you feel great. Children just naturally smile and laugh, but as we get older it’s easy to become conscious of stained and crooked teeth, and the smiling stops. Cosmetic dentistry such as Whitening, Orthodontics and Veneers can be used to create the smile you have always deserved. If nature did not award you a beautiful smile, there is no reason why you can’t have one. At Divine Dental, our dentists have the skill and experience to help you achieve the perfect smile for you. Smile Design Consultations are complementary and if you simply have not been to the dentist for a while, Comprehensive Exam, Scale and Clean is just $149, or Gap Free if you are in a health

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