Examples Of Similes In The Wife Of Bath's Tale

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Thread 1 In the Wife of Bath’s Tale Chaucer uses the theme of power. An example of this is the power shift of when the Knight forcefully tool the young woman’s virginity to him letting his wife have power over him. This is important because it goes along with the question he was tasked with finding an answer to, that all women want is to hold “sovereignty over their husbands or the ones they love”(1038-1039). Thread 2 Chaucer also uses similes to compare the knight to an owl. A textual example of this is “Then all that day he hid just like an owl” (1081). He is saying that that the knight hid from his wife in the same way owl’s hide from the sun. Thread 3 In the Wife of Bath’s Tale, Chaucer uses allusions to convey a message. An example

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