Examples Of Fascism In Metropolis

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Fascism is the political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. The claim that Metropolis is a fascist movie is an interesting one just looking at the surface of the film one would not see it but digging deeper and looking at the definition of fascism I can understand how Siegfried Kracauer could see connections between Metropolis and Nazi propaganda I believe it is working towards fascism. Some would say it is working against fascism based on a few factors such as the use of technology as a jail for the workers and if they stop doing their job based on anything including exhaustion consequences occur that is deadly. An example of such is the explosion in the beginning that killed many workers then you see how the workers feel in the dream sequence they are just being fed to the machine which is technology and society. Looking deeply into the film we see how the workers rise up but don’t have …show more content…

Without the heart we see where everything was leading to destruction and the two arties where no longer willing to work together they tried but both where to proud to give in until someone talked them through the situation. You see both the worker and the father go to shake hand but pull away because of the lack of trust available but the mediator the son talks them through it and the world is back to the way it

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