Fascism in the 1920's and 1930's

820 Words2 Pages

During the 1800's Europe had been the cultural, military, political, and the financial center of the world. Political Liberalism and parliamentary institutions was prosperous. After World War I the world faced economic disasters.

In the years following the First World War, a new era of democracy seemed to be unfolding and it was looked promising. The autocratic regimes in Russia, Germany and Austria, were all overthrown and replaced by republics. The seven new states in Europe all had a republican form of government. Democracy seemed to be doing good in the post-war world.

European economy was in a desperate situation. They had to borrow money to cover the cost of the war. Their debt needed to be paid and they didn't have any money. So the British borrowed from the United States.

Two decades following World War I, many democratic countries in Europe were taken over by some kind of dictatorship. Russia became a Communist state. Italy and Germany became Fascist states. Of the powers in Europe, only Britain and France remained democratic. Actually the First World War brought some negative effects to Europe.

Germany and her allies were blamed for the war. The Treaty of Versailles said that they had to pay for the cost of the war. The Treaty of Versailles is what caused World War II. If it had been less harsh on Germany, the Weimar Republic would have been stronger and would not have faced as much economic and social turmoil. Had the treaty been harsher, Germany would not have had the power to make war.

In order for Germany to pay the debt that they owed they kept changing the value of their currency. This action caused inflation. The Bourgeoisie was suffering greatly from inflation as well. Infla...

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...ler passed a series of laws against the Jews. It constrained their rights. They became non-citizens, and had to give up their passports, and were given new ones that were stamped labeling them. Their businesses, homes, and their private belongings were taken away from them. In 1941, an order was made to annihilate all the Jews, it stated, "All Jews without exception are to be destroyed."

In today's society if there was another depression like in the 1920's, and 1930's, it would take a lot for this world to turn to fascism. We have seen what happened in the past, and I don't think that anyone would want to repeat it. There would have to be a lot of hunger, and loss of jobs. The only ways fascism could happen is if there was nowhere else to turn. With the world today I think we have many options to choose from before we will ever have to face fascism again.

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