Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Gandhi Nonviolent Methods

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How did India earn its independence from Great Britain? War? Riots? Killing? Mohandas Gandhi used his peaceful nonviolent strategy to gain independence from England. Nonviolence is a calm and peaceful method that does not include hurting or harm to anything or anybody. What nonviolent tactics did Gandhi use? Gandhi, who was born in 1869, was a brilliant man that put India back on its feet. Many wonder why and how his nonviolent methods succeeded. The three elements that Gandhi used to make his nonviolent strategies successful are accepting his jail time, embracing the enemy, and he used disciplined civil disobedience. In the first place, embracing the enemy is a major part of nonviolent protests. Embracing the enemy is when you treat the enemy with respect, like a friend, but disagree with them. Gandhi used this tactic by treating the British with kindness despite their disagreement. According to Document A, “I do not intend to harm a single Englishman or to any legitimate interest he may have to India…” (Gandhi 1930). Gandhi does not want to hurt anybody but he will stand for what he believes in. Gandhi offered the Britain a chance to back down; he was determined to achieve his goal, but he did it in a respectful manner. Not only did Gandhi …show more content…

Civil disobedience is breaking the rules or regulations in a respectful and disciplined manner. Document A, a letter from Gandhi to the English governor of India Lord Irwin, states, “I shall proceed with such co-workers of the Ashram (a secluded community where people go to meditate or pray) as I can take to disregard the provisions of the Salt Law.” Gandhi was willing to break the law but he surely did not want to as he said himself in Document A, “... taking the risk I have dreaded to take all these years” (Gandhi 1930). This piece of evidence shows Gandhi’s tolerance and civilization because he was willing to hold a peaceful

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