Ethical Dilemmas In Education

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I am a school bus driver, so I work in the public school system. With that we are really not in a profit making atmosphere but we do have to deal with ethical dilemmas on a regular basis. One of the biggest ethical dilemmas that we have to deal with in the public school system is posting on facebook or social media sites. Although our school system yet has not made us sign any paperwork , I know from personal experience, It can affect you. We had a snow day and I made a post about I personally thought we should have been on a 2 hour delay. I did not mention the school system or name any names and I got called into the superintendent's office. I am not even friends with hi or anyone else that I work with. I understand his dilemma where, if I as a school bus driver am questioning his decision, how does it look to the parents. …show more content…

Social media has become a big ethical dilemma in many businesses. As far as our exercise 7-3 I would say my work falls into a Quality of Life Management category. All 14 ethical dimensions have some bearing in the public school system. There is a lot of suggestion of human needs above our own needs and that would be us versus the needs of the children we transport or teach. We are the ones that children see sometimes more than their parents and as leaders/teachers, bus drivers, etc., we have a huge role in their lives and we have to be careful about the decisions we make regarding them and how we handle situations involving them. They are many news reports these days of teachers have inappropriate behaviors with children that is an ethical line that should not be

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