Essay On Youtube

627 Words2 Pages

Youtube is a website designed to share videos online. Its intention was to post and share video content but quickly became a website to share anything through a video. Millions of people have created an account to allow them to share what ever they wanted to the rest of the world. Sending a video file via email could often be very large causing a lot problems but when Youtube came, they made it easy to share videos without having to send large files. Youtube revolutionised video sharing on the internet, making it easy to watch full length feature films, commenting and rating on them without having to download large files that requires a lot of time. Youtube was founded in February 2005 by Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim and Steve Chan. Youtube used Flash Video and HTML5 to allow users to create and post videos as easily as possible. As Youtube got more and more popular the term ‘viral video’ became a well know term, it refers to a clip that’s been liked and shared so much that its been sent and seen by millions and possibly billions of people worldwide. If a Youtube channel is popular enoug...

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