Essay On Who Was Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Romeo and Juliet is a tragic story! This story is about how two people who loved each other the moment they saw each other wanted marriage very quickly. But the families did not approve of this. which led to a giant feud between the two. When you read the story you assume Romeo killed himself because of Juliet which made Juliet kill herself. The story goes a lot deeper. Now there are many opinions on who was responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death. Some say Prince Escalus is to blame for. Since he had the power to prevent both families from fighting. Others say the prince did nothing to stop the feud and so it was his fault. It’s hard to point at one person and say it’s their entire fault. Every event led to another which in this case was the …show more content…

But the people who had the largest impact over others were simply the parents. The parents could have easily stopped the feud but instead they were being selfish and continued to rival, the parents caused Juliet to fall dead (she didn’t really die at first) leading Romeo to kill himself, If there had not been a family feud there would be no need for Romeo and Juliet to hide their love. Additionally, Friar Lawrence wouldn’t have to develop a plan to help the couple escape! Now if we look to after Juliet and Romeo died the parents seemed to end the feud and resolve their differences. Was it until death that the parents realize they were wrong. Were they that selfish to let it get that far. They could have at any moment put aside each other’s differences and had a happy ending. It is sad to think that Romeo and Juliet had a chance to live if two families had not hated each other. Two innocent young people die in the hands of hatred. The feud between families is what makes the play so interesting. Now some say that It was Romeo and Juliet fault for rushing into things but that is far from the truth. Juliet was only about thirteen years old! The way she was treated was

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