Essay On Sacco And Vanzetti

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The case of Sacco and Vanzetti was a case that involved two Italians that were convicted of murder in 1921. During this time period a variety of immigrants began to come to the United States to find a different and better life than the one they had in their home country. In 1921 Congress broke the Emergency Quota Act, restricted European immigrants from coming to the United States, bur in 1924 that act was replace by the Immigration Act of 1924.
Bartolomeo Vanzetti was born in Villaffalletto, a town in Italy, on the 11th of June 1888. He came to the United States when he was 20 years old, and settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and there, in the beginning he worked in an industrial factory later, he worked as a fish peddler. Vanzetti didn’t like the way the immigrants were treated in America so he became involved in “left-wing politics” (“Spartacus Educational”). Vanzetti then started attending anarchist meetings, and that’s how he met Nicola Sacco. Nicola Sacco was born in Torremaggiore, another town in Italy, on the 22nd of April of 1891. Sacco came to the United States three years younger than when Vanzetti came (at 17 years old) to America. Sacco lived in Stoughton, Massechussetts and later on got married and started a family. Sacco – as well as Vanzetti – got involved in left-wing politics and …show more content…

“This case is seen as one of the earliest examples of using widespread protests and mass movements to try to win the release of convicted persons. The Sacco-Vanzetti case also exposed the inadequacies of both the legal and law enforcement system in investigating and prosecuting members and alleged members of secret societies and terrorist groups, and contributed to calls for the organization of national data collection and counterintelligence services.” ("/why Was the Sacco and Vanzetti Important to

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