Essay On Middle School Life

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Nothing could have been worse for me than being a teenager in middle school, until I became a teenager in middle school with depression. If anyone had told me several years ago that everything would get better, I would have nodded while screaming disbelief inside my head. I thought things simply could not get better, that I would forever feel imprisoned in a dark room. While my friends went out, I stayed at home. When I went to parties, I’d always think I'd have had a better time on my own. Even when surrounded by others, I felt shut out, like I was different from everyone else. Social situations, including school, were torture. I bulldozed my way through life. The feelings I suffered from night after night were unbearable. I was drowning in …show more content…

One I’ve been friends with since I moved to Waterford, and one that I made around the beginning of last school year. They made me realize life is worth living and how much I would have hurt everyone if I died. I would have hurt my friends, my boyfriend, my mother, my step-father, my brother and even my little sister who means so much to me. I began thinking what would have happened if I did go through with taking my life. My nephew would have never known me, I wouldn’t have reached 18, I wouldn’t have started senior year. That’s when I found my cure. There isn’t a medical cure for depression yet, only medication to make it bearable. But, there is a cure inside of each and every one of us. The only thing is that you have to find it inside yourself. Mine happened to be my unconditional love for other people. For the past few months, I have gotten significantly better. Sure, my battle with depression isn’t over with. As of right now, I have the upper-hand and a goal. That goal is to help save as many lives as possible. I want everyone who reads this article to realize what I realized. We are given these struggles to overcome them and help others with the same problem. If I ended my life, I never would have gotten the chance to share my

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