Essay On Annie Johnson And Aengus

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What drives people to take these crazy risks, they do all sorts of crazy actions, just to undertake a mission. An example is that Annie Johnson had many challenges to face and still had accomplish her goal. Aengus wanted to find love, while Galarza and Johnson were determined to survive desperate circumstances, however all three shared an ability to endure hardship to accomplish their goals.

Aengus had the courage to keep on trying to find his love. Like a lot of people, Aengus wanted to find love, so he continued until he was “ old with wandering”. Aengus wanted to find true love so he could live happily and would not give up. Another example of enduring hardship is that he tried his best so started to “plunk until time and times are done”. This shows he believed he could accomplish his goal and doing his best. Aengus have been looking for his love (glimmering girl) and would not stop looking for her until he finds her.

Galarza faced challenges as in immigrant in a new country with new language. Galarza had to learn a new language starting top and couldn’t really pronounce anything at all, but he had practice and finally said his first word “butterfly”. For Galarza it must have been a big thing …show more content…

Annie had to take care of her family on her own, so she decided to take an unusual path cooking meals for workers. Instead of taking a job as a domestic or trying to get a job as a factory worker, so Johnson developed a plan to cook meals for the factory workers. Despite many hardships, Johnson’s drive and determination caused her to build a successful that helped not only her children but her grandchildren. Her business grew a successful store. Angelou credited her grandmother’s drive and resolve for carrying her through hard times. She is also suggested that Johnson’s ability to handle only “unpalatable” choices with grace was the key to the success of her

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