Essay On Abortion In Abortion

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Emergency contraception also known as “morning-after pill”, are methods that women can use after an unprotected sexual intercourse to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Since its introduction, emergency contraception has remained the most widely debated form of contraception mainly because it offers a second chance to prevent unwanted pregnancy.1
Over the last decades, several researchers have identified unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion as a major threat to the reproductive health of young adults in developing countries.2 An estimated 3.1 million unintended pregnancies occur every year in the United States3 and 76 million in the developing countries.4 In the united states, about half (49%) of all pregnancies are unintended; half of these are terminated by abortion5. The WHO in 2006 estimated 13% of the approximately 585,000 maternal deaths each year worldwide to have resulted from unsafe abortion 6.Induced abortion currently accounts for 20,000 of the estimated 50,000 material deaths that occur in Nigeria each year.7
Several studies have shown that teenagers represent a large proportion of the women admitted to hospitals for complications following unsafe abortions. In a Nigeria study, of the 13 hospitalized women who died from complications of abortion, 9 were aged 21 or younger, and about up to 80% of patients with abortion related complication are adolescent8. Similarly a community based study of abortion prevalence found that one-third of women who obtained abortion were adolescents9.
Information about contraception will be important in adolescent acceptance and use of contraception at first intercourse. It has been shown that adolescent who are not sexually active tend to know less about contracepti...

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This review shows that the decision for a woman to use ECP depend on individual situations in terms of age, country of residence, level of education, past reproductive experiences as well as depth of religious commitment. It also shows that a number of social and psychological factors may further influence emergency contraceptive use. Unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion are major public health burden that has not been effectively tackled over the last decades despite the scaling up of reproductive and family health services. Understanding the reason for this trend will enable the development of focus innovative interventions to tackle this problem. Adequate and correct information about this method of contraception among young adult is therefore imperative in strategizing on how to reverse this trend and help secure the reproductive health of our women.

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