Contraception Defies God's Will

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Contraception Defies God's Will

The use of contraception was never as widely proclaimed and exhibited as it is now. The use of contraception has become so mainstream, that it is now “normal” for even teens to use these contraceptives. Schools promote the use of this once taboo practice of artificial birth control, and partake in the distribution of condoms amongst students. This is a clear example of how modern society and its practices can change the way people act morally and physically.

There are many Catholics who use contraceptives instead of family planning. This is not accepted by the Catholic Church, and is considered to be wrong. Catholics believe that sexual intercourse is a gift that was given to this earth by God, only to reproduce. This belief is clearly over looked by many people today, not only Catholics. Sex is used a tool for pleasure and to fulfill sexual desire. Outside of marriage, sexual intercourse should not be practiced. This is a blatant dishonoring of what God proclaimed to his followers, and is also considered a sin. The predominant reason why people use contraceptives is to avoid the risk of unwanted pregnancy and also to try to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. This is going against the will of God, and in the Catholic community it is unlawful.

There are many activists who are against the use of contraceptives. Some of these people hold seminars and demonstrations that portray their opinions that are in the nature agai...

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