English 103 Reflective Essay

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I was born into a family of which literature and writing was not only encourage but often times during my life it was something I had to do. Which, when given the question how this course fits into not only my life but my educational life ends with a large number of answers. Primarily it will not only be important to me following the educational path I want but to be a support for my mother who often times has a hard time comprehending what she reads. Additionally English 103 is important to help me move forward with my goals for education in getting a degree in English and proceed to go into book editing. As seen English 103 goes beyond just a simple credit for me and is much more than just, ‘a class’.
Understanding the basic ability to annotate, summarize and break apart a text is something that is largely important to my home life. My mother is a prominent reader and tends to enjoy books more than almost everyone in our home, however, she has had difficulty understanding some of the texts she reads. This course may focus on writers like Beckett but will be something that is going to come back full circle to authors of novels that are more common today. With this course I will learn how to better …show more content…

I have always loved literature, philosophy and things such as this, which, has caused me to want to go into novel editing and/or english teaching. With this course under my belt not only will I be able to be better at both of these potential jobs but, I will have a better base to bounce them off of. I know it is pivotal to follow a large number of english course, as well as a few others, to get the degrees these require. However, the importance of following English as much as I can is something of value to that. Educationally I know that this may not be the most important class to that but it is a very important basic

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