Writing 101 Reflective Essay

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“We all need people who will give us feedback, that’s how we improve”-Bill Gates. Writing 101 was a course I gained knowledge of every class. It might have been a bit challenging at the beginning, but I think the atmosphere that was inside the class made it easier to handle and understand everything. I would say the class activities, group work and peer reviews were the factors that helped me the most as they made me exchange ideas and think productively, than I did before. We were assigned different types of essays, some I had previous knowledge of, and some I never heard of before, but definitely I improved my writing skills, and developed all my weakness points throughout the course. To begin with, I think that writing has always been one of my strengths. I enjoy it and I think that anyone who writes, becomes more logical and organized as a person. The course was challenging at times, especially at the beginning. At first, I didn’t understand how to organize my paper by creating an outline, or how to reference and use specific layouts and styles. But, then I found that the factors that made me improve were the class …show more content…

Therefore, the summary assignment was the assignment I’d repeat if I had the chance to. It may sound unusual, but that was because it was the first assignment we took. I thought I knew how to summarize but it came up to be a kind of writing where we had to write in steps and include certain information in. I also scored the least in the summary assignment because I didn’t understand how APA formatting is structured, or how to reference it. But, after the assignment was graded, I’d say I was satisfied because the grading rubric included all my mistakes, and my professor precisely explained all my errors. From then on, I started getting higher grades on the following assignments, even though they were harder I never repeated my mistakes again, and that was when I knew I started

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