Emily Dickinson Blindness

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Eye can’t see
Have you ever been blinded before? If not, I haven’t either! Emily Dickinson lost her eyesight at an old age due to eye restrains by writing poems during dark nights. Despite her disability, she wrote two poems describing her blindness. In the poems, she talked about sight and darkness, but what is she really trying to say about it on a metaphorical level? In both poems, Dickinson is comparing sight to a life full of order and happiness. A life of dreams and goals. By losing “sight”, your life changed and turned for the worse.Darkness can be seen as the unpleasant things of life.
In the first poem,”We Grow Accustomed To The Dark” we can see the idea of sight and darkness as a metaphor presenting.In stanza 2, the speaker said,”A moment-We uncertain step/For newness of the night/Then fit our vision to the Dark/And meet the Road-erect”.What this means is that when you first lose your direction in life, you are uncertain of what to do, but eventually you will learn and grow accustom to the darkness in life. You will need to keep trying and eventually you will step in the right direction and you

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