Blind By Rachel Woskin: Character Analysis

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The book Blind, written by Rachel DeWoskin, is about a highschool sophomore named Emma, who went blind after being struck in the face with a firework. When she first lost her sight, Emma was placed in a hospital for over 2 months, and once she was released, she could finally go home again. DeWoskin uses the characterization of Emma throughout the beginning of the text to help the reader understand the character’s struggle more. Especially in the first few chapters, it was difficult for Emma to adapt to a world without sight. For instance, DeWoskin writes, “And sat down, numb, on our gold couch. And tried to open my eyes, rocked, counted my legs and arms and fingers. I didn’t cry. Or talk” (DeWoskin 44). As a result of losing a very important scent, she’s started to act differently from a person with sight. …show more content…

Someone with sight would never perform such an action because they have no need to. The way that she acts helps the reader understand Emma’s conflict better because it is unlike a normal person to feel the need to count body parts the way that she does. Ever since Emma went blind, she's been ashamed of herself, as if she had done something wrong. DeWoskin writes, “Open your eyes, Emma. I thought of myself as ‘Emma’ then, or ‘you,’ or ‘she,’ anyone but me” (DeWoskin 46). Emma perceiving herself as “you” or “she” shows that she is so uncomfortable with herself that she doesn’t want to be herself. She believes that her blindness is her own fault, when it was really fate. From this information, the reader can tell that she is struggling with her self image and therefore, doesn’t want to be “Emma” anymore. In conclusion, the characterization of Emma from Blind by Rachel DeWoskin helps the reader understand Emma’s struggle

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