Effects Of Peer Pressure In Social Media

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Peer Pressure: How It’s Changed “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine”(Bruce Lee). Peer pressure has increased dramatically over the years. Children have more availability to technology, leading to more peer influencing and bullying. On social media, some accounts can be anonymous. Anonymous accounts make it easier to pressure peers. Also, helicopter parents hover over their children and their social lives too much, giving their child another reason to pick on them. Although peer pressure has always been prevalent, it has escalated due to quick access to technology, harmful posts or ads on social media, and parents not preparing their child for the real world. Technology plays …show more content…

In the 1990s, many people didn’t own any form of social media. Most teenagers don’t focus on the content they post, instead they focus on how many likes they get out of it (Peer Pressure: Why It Seems Worse Than Ever). In addition, many sites have anonymous users, making it easier to give and receive peer pressure. Social media is making peer influencing more sneaky. Not long ago, kids had to “build up courage” to walk up to someone and ask or pressure them for something, which helped build character (Peer Pressure: It’s Changed Since You Were In School). Not only is it the social media site itself, but the advertisements located there can influence bad behaviors. The more alcohol-related ads that teenagers see, the more likely it is for teenagers to drink (Crawford and Novak, page 1). Many teens agree that giving into peer pressure has ranked them higher socially. Today, 90% of teens admit to being pressured by peers online. In 2004, a study showed that nearly 30% of teens admitted to getting influenced by peers (Peer Pressure: Why It Seems Worse Than Ever and How to Help Kids Resist It). Social media has made the most impact on the altering of peer

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