Dorothea Nutzhorn Research Paper

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Known for her documentary style of photography, Dorothea Nutzhorn was born May 26, 1895 in Hoboken, New Jersey. Nutzhorn grew up in a household that strongly supported her furthering her education and advocated for exposure to creative works. Her mother, Johanna, stayed at home to raise her and her brother, Martin, while her father, Heinrich, worked as a lawyer. At age seven, she fell sick with polio, which hampered the movement of her right leg and foot. A few short years later, her parents divorced. Blaming her father for the marriage falling apart, Nutzhorn dropped her father’s surname and switched to mother’s maiden name, Lange. Growing up academics were never her strong suit, and following high school decided to pursue photography at Colombia …show more content…

Her first experience in the field of documentary photography spurred from her travels to the Southwest in the 1920s with her husband to photograph Native American life. However, in the 1930s, she shifted her focus to documenting the effects of the Great Depression in San Francisco. Around the same time, Lange met Paul Taylor, a labor economist and university professor. Brought on by an unhappy marriage to Dixon, Lange left in 1935 to travel with Taylor and document the sights and sounds of rural life for the Farm Security Administration. Her work from this era is her best known work, and out of it came the best- known piece of documentary photography in the 20th century: “Migrant Mother.” Five years later, in 1940, she was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship, the first woman in history to be granted this. The images she captured after the Pearl Harbor bombing of the internment of Japanese Americans were confiscated by the Army because they revealed the horrifying truth of the internment communities. The Office of War Information hired her in 1945 to document the creation of the United Nations at a conference in San Francisco. In October 1965, at age 70, Lange passed away in San Francisco due to

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