Diaz's Fiesta 1980

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Additionally, Diaz shows in “Fiesta 1980” the holding to some strong cultures like the male chauvinism and the correction of the children through some kind of violence mainly coming from the father figure. In the Latin and Caribbean culture, “the family tends to be patriarchal” so this is a common situation (Buffington). This leads to a belief that since the men have the power in the house, he can be authoritative and have the last decision even above his wife. In “Fiesta 1980”, Diaz represents this situation with the character “Papi”. He was the main provider to the house so he had the power to tell what to do or not. Yunior narrates how his father treats him and he says that Every time “Papi” was going to smack him, Rafa inched away (Diaz

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