Examples Of Machismo In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold

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In the fictional novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Gabriel Garcia Marquez introduces a traditional element from Latin-American heritage, which is known as the cult of machismo. This introduction of the cultural heritage of the Latin-American people presents the author the opportunity to introduce the Vicario brothers to the cult of machismo. The cult of machismo in Latin-American culture refers to characteristics that men in a Latin American family must have. These characteristics include being extremely aggressive, upholding and protecting family honor and also being very dominant figure in the household (Berroa). The cult of machismo’s influence could be clearly seen as a recurring motif within the fictional novel, Chronicle of a Death …show more content…

“"It was like pissing ground glass. Pablo Vicario found him hugging the tree when he came back with the knives. "He was in a cold sweat from the pain," he said to me, "and he tried to tell me to go on by myself because he was in no condition to kill anybody.”" This scene shows that the embodiment of machismo was not fully accepted by Pedro Vicario, he still had his moral values he held on to until he was convinced to kill Santiago Nasar after his mother says “Honour doesn’t wait (Garcia p.67).” This quote refers to the duty the Vicario brothers had to accomplish since they were the men of the household and were expected to follow the concepts created by the society that Vicario brothers lived in. Mr. Marquez creates a situation where the Vicario brothers are forced to kill Santiago since the fate of the family rests in their hands, which causes it to weigh on their conscious, forcing them make a decision due to the implications of the cult of machismo that they are involved with. With the death of Santiago Nasar the brothers are arrested and imprisoned, however, the reaction that the town had towards Santiago’s death was very lackluster. Which helps support the idea that the cult of machismo is agreed in upon in unison by everyone in the

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