Describe The Differences Between 3d And 4d Ultrasounds

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It’s natural for parents to get antsy about seeing their baby’s features before the birth. After all, nine months is a long time to wait. Thanks to 3D ultrasounds, it’s possible to see your unborn baby in incredible detail before delivery. If you’re interested in booking a 3D ultrasound appointment, turn to New Life Ultrasound in Houston, TX. The Difference Between 2D, 3D & 4D Ultrasounds Most moms-to-be are already familiar with 2D ultrasounds. In a 2D ultrasound, a technician places a wand that emits waves over your belly. These waves echo throughout the body, and a computer converts them into a two-dimensional image. In 3D ultrasounds, the computer takes multiple two-dimensional images at various angles and arranges them to form a three-dimensional

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