Declaration Of Independence Response

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Response Paper to Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” It’s perhaps the most iconic line from the Declaration of Independence. This line quite literally loomed over me in bolded font during my 3rd grade elementary class as a poster, but it looms over all Americans, albeit in a less direct way of course. Americans hold this demonstrated ideal of equality as a fundamental pillar in the American Identity. However, the Declaration of Independence, our nation’s first document in a sense, did not even truthfully hold to these ideals. It was written by the deeply privileged of its time even if states human equality for all, in theory. The detachment of this authorship and intent with its overarching themes is vital to a modern interpretation of the piece, as the true beauty of …show more content…

The poetry gives an account of how the meaning of the Declaration is not exhausted by its author-- words will acquire a will greater than person who penned them. As he says referring to Jefferson’s work, “there were slaves then, / But in their hearts the slaves believed him, too / And silently took for granted / That what he said was also meant for them.” The will of the Declaration extended to the slaves that were not included in the original intent. Hughes’ interpretation signifies how the Declaration has become a rallying cry for equality. It’s inspired people of all kinds to recognize that America was built on these ideals that have grown to extend to more than just who the founders applied them to at the time. Slaves silently believing in these words is a true testament to how we are a nation built on the ideals of the document that we must constantly work to progress into. As we expand our meaning of men being equal, we are growing into the nation this document has always laid out to us but did not necessarily intend at

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