Declaration Of Independence Principle

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Principle 2 of the declaration of independence states that “all people have basic rights that can not be taken away” so everyone that had them taken away should never have had that happen to them.Principle 2 of the declaration of independence is meant to protect and give same treatment to everyone. The us gathered and made the declaration of independence in 1778. Principle 2 of the declaration of independence is meant to give everyone the same rights that cannot be taken away.However the us gov has not upheld principle number two because of the decision they made in the past and present. The us government did not uphold principle 2 of the declaration of independence in the past with the natives by taking away their basic rights. They weren't forced west but if they stayed they would have to follow the state laws which destroyed their rights.(zinn page 113) this shows that the us gove was making laws to force people to move taking away their rights and land. They us goverment took away the right to stay where they have always lived. By taking there land and saying you can stay but there is a law saying this. Natives got scared and were forced to move to a different place. When the native got to the other piece of land where they were allowed to stay, a lot of natives were sick or died. Which is all …show more content…

Women were treated poorly for example women were paid ¼ or ½ the income men were paid. Women were also treated similar to black slaves.(zinn) showing the us government abused principle 2 and tak the basic rights of the women away. Like Pay and statice. People would abuse women's rights even though they say they won't. The right people need to give to these women that work the same and then sum. People are taking the right to be paid,treated the same as men.without theys rights the women of the past were not able to live alone and or anything alone. without being treated

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