Langston Hughes 12 Angry Men

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Hughes from “Democracy and Rose from “12 Angry Men” believe that everyone should have equal rights, and should not be treated differently, no matter what. They want people to be treated the same and to not judge anyone because of their skin color nor whether they are wealthy or not. Rose and Hughes perspective are similar and they both think that democracy isn’t fair. Although their perspectives are similar, they do have some contrasts. Rose wants the jurors to decide slowly because they are talking about somebody’s life. Hughes wants freedom and that everyone should be treated the same.

Rose, the author, created the 8th juror to tell what he believes is right. In the script, the 8th juror proclaims in page 104, “There were eleven votes for ‘guilty’. It’s not easy for me to raise my hand and send a boy off to …show more content…

For example on page 111, Hughes says, “Democracy will not come today, this year, nor ever through compromise and fear.” These first stanzas of his poem show that his freedom will not come anytime. Another example, on page 112, is, “I tire so of hearing people say, Let things take their course.”Tomorrow is another day. I do not need freedom when I’m dead.” Hughes is tired of people telling him to wait and “go with the flow” for freedom. He won't need freedom when he is dead, because he would not be alive anymore. Finally, in the very last stanzas on page 112, Hughes says, “Freedom is a strong a seed planted in a great need. I live here, too. I want freedom. Just as you.” Hughes says the freedom is seed that is needed to his people. He lives in America too, and he wants freedom just like another fellow from another race.

Although Rose wants the jurors to decide slowly and really think about their decision, while Hughes wants freedom now, they both believe that everyone should be treated equally, and shouldn’t be treated differently, no matter wealth nor

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