Dbq Women's Rights

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Men and women didn’t have equal rights before. This is true because women had fewer opportunities than men. For instance, women were legally not allowed to vote and they were not able to gain an education. Furthermore, married women had no property rights, and they were made dependent on their husband. The women’s rights movement begun in the year 1848, when Elizabeth Cady Stanton was discontented with the limitations women had. This reform led to women around the world to plan and organize movements to prevent the discriminations given to them and provide them with equal rights in all aspects of life that men originally have. Women had been fighting for suffrage for over a century. Women should be given the right to speak up and participate in political matters. They had written and signed appeals and argued that they also deserved the said right. The delegates of the Declaration of Sentiments proclaimed “that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This obviously meant that they strongly believed women should have suffrage or the right to vote. …show more content…

An anti-feminist said: “I don’t need feminism because I strive for equality!” Another stated: “We don’t need feminism because feminism isn’t equal rights and it’s contradictory. Even the f****** name implies “women only.” According to Khurram, most people don’t understand what feminism stands for, and they don’t realize how important it is. Anti-feminists think that feminism provides women biased privileges in the society (Feliz). Moreover, the society often associates the word feminism as to hating or despising men and promoting

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