Custody And Visitation Essay

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While most are aware that custody and visitation are not synonymous, many parents begin legal proceedings without realizing that custody is broken into two halves by the court: legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody refers to the ability to make decisions regarding the child’s upbringing and development, meaning a parent who obtains legal custody will have a say in matters such as their child’s education, hobbies, and religion. Physical custody, as the name suggests, refers to the actual guardianship of the child and will often be awarded to one parent - usually referred to as the “primary physical custodian” - while the secondary physical custodian will receive visitation. It is the goal of The Law Firm of Caryn S. Fennell to help …show more content…

These include, but are not limited to, the following. No Gender Preference - In Georgia, the Court is prohibited from basing any custody and visitation decision on the gender of either party, meaning preference is not given to the child’s mother or father simply because they are the child’s mother or father. Ultimately, the judge will base their ruling on what they feel is best for the child, so it is essential to secure an attorney who can adequately convey your connection to the child and ability as a parent. Frequent and Continuing Contact - It is the aim of the Court - and The Law Firm of Caryn S. Fennell - to ensure a custody and visitation case leaves the child in question with frequent and continuing contact with both parents. Under extreme circumstances, a parent may be granted both sole legal and physical custody of their child, but, for the most part, the presiding judge will work to grant both parents some degree of access to the child. When frequent and continuing contact is established, a child is more likely to adjust to the separation of his or her parents without risk of developing feelings of loneliness or

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