Creative Writing: The Cincinnati Reds Opening Days

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"what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ." (1 John 1:3)

I am admittedly a huge baseball fan. Beyond the end of winter and the waarmer weather, I think I enjoy spring because it heralds in a new season of baseball. And I follow my team, The Cincinnati Reds, pretty faithfully , even in bad times. They've been my team since I was a young boy. I can remember many nights listening to the radio broadcast of a game bein g played on the west coast,long after I was suppossed to be asleeep.

And I can tell you that there is no place like Cincinnati for Opening Day. It's an unoffical holidays people take to the streets, go to the parade and make their way down to the stadium. Local cover bands abound at every turn. I've been to 24 Opening Days in a row. And I wouldn't miss it. …show more content…

They didn't look good. And I fear that the words reds and loss might be written together more than I'd like this year. It rained hard for three innings. There have been years that an Opening Day like that, flat play a loss and mediocre weather would probably have set the tone for my entire year of baseball watching.

But when people asked me how was the game, my response was, great. I had a great day. Over the years my perspective has changed about the importance of that day. It's not that my passion for the game has waned at all. It's merely paled in comparison to the company I keep.

You see, this is the 24th year my son and I have been to that Opening Day game. It's our day. It's amazing how he went in a blink of an eye from a toddler I had to carry up the steps and worry that he might fall to this handsome married man, (much taller than I) in the blink of an

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