Creative Writing: Knock Exception

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Sneaker meets pavement. Closed fists meet doors. Knock knock knock. “Mrs. Miller, can Ethan come out and play?” These were the dog days, the best days, of summer in eastern North Carolina. A group of sweaty kids waited on the Miller’s front porch. Ethan finally made his way out and we were on our way. We started walking, teasing each other and laughing. Stopping at my house, the white brick one that initiated the circle that was Rolston Road, we grabbed some bottled waters. Our next stop, the field. We ran to the vacant lot across from my house and started our day of infinite adventure. We played cops and robbers, pirates, soccer, and any other game we could think of. Unmowed grass, scattered dirt patches, and puddles of mud around us; we played and played until the blazing sun left the sky. No, this field was not beautiful in the least. The lot itself was a beast who couldn’t be tamed. No amount of mowing or fertilizer made him attractive, and after a while the adults stopped trying. They accepted him as an eyesore. For us Rolston kids, though, the field was perfect. In our minds, …show more content…

The beast was in his prime. He was confident, carefree, and exuberant. His green, tall grass tickled our ankles and dusty, flaky mud covered our shoes. Bugs buzzed around in the humid air. Regardless of the sweltering southern heat, morning till night, the field was alive. With the sun warm on our skin, we played capture the flag, red rover, and any variation of tag. Once, my mom bought us a badminton set, and we spent a whole day attempting to figure out how to play this crazy new game. The beast was our sitter, watching out for us with a wary eye. Sometimes, when the heat got too oppressive, we roamed the neighborhood, eyes peeled and ears listening for the ice cream truck. Sweaty t-shirts, sticky faces, and uncontrollable laughter filled these summer days. The beast was our best buddy; he never failed to entertain

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