Creative Writing: Drowning

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Keep On Swimming
“Drowning. The water reaches towards me, coiling around each of my limbs into its iron grip, pulling me further down into the menacing abyss below me. I struggle, twisting to and fro, but to no avail; the murky vines of water tangle around me and tighten the more I move. I strained to hear the taunting words that seemed to echo around me, emitting loudly from the abyss below. “You freak, you deserve to die!” The words bounce around, caressing me in a false sense of safety. An underlining of severity and anger pricked like tiny needles, etching tiny unnoticeable scratches, like a paper cut, onto my body. The currents seemingly whisper words similar that to the abyss. The words stung. Pain.
The vines grip tight again, squeezing me. I can almost feel the bruises begin to form, but I have no chance to react as my breath is immediately forced out. I gasp, only to allow the water to fall into my mouth. I choke. Water crashes against the walls of my throat, the salt burns as if it were lava bubbling down to my lungs and not water. I frantically squirmed, hoping for someone, anyone, to rescue me. No hope. Laughter pierces my hearing. Maybe someone miraculously found me! My eyes dart about, ignoring the pain rippling through me. I see no one. Perhaps it was a trick of the mind? I hear it again; this time it’s more fluent and audible. …show more content…

It doesn’t sound happy or gleeful or cheery, instead it felt malicious and spiteful as if this was a moment that they had been waiting for. That this was the ending to a trilogy of films that the hated with a passion. And it just might as well have been. The water slowly let go, letting my half limp body to float softly like a feather down below. I gave up with forcing myself to swim up, I had no strength left. I was finished. Life is futile if you can no longer push forward. I gently lowered my eyelids as a sea of dark washed over me. I had no goodbyes to say to the world. I was

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