Conflict In Linger By Maggie Stivater

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Sam is used to be the one fighting his change, but now that he has overcome his problem, Grace is the one who is in danger of turning into a wolf and losing herself forever. In Linger by Maggie Stiefvater, the plot focuses mainly on the characters, Grace and Sam, a teenage couple who have endured many difficult situations in their lives. As things are beginning to look up for the adolescent couple, Grace comes down with a mysterious sickness, and suddenly their entire lives are turned upside down. Everything they once wanted has been flipped. Conflict is used throughout the novel to develop themes that are relevant to a teenage audience. Maggie Stiefvater uses the conflict of Mercy Falls, Minnesota as a setting to convey the theme of embracing change. The character says: …show more content…

Although stepping out of line and rebelling can seem like a good option, it is important to take a step back and listen to reasoning before making rash decisions. Sam had been staying and sleeping at Grace’s house for months, one night Grace’s parents discovered Sam in her room after curfew and banned Grace from seeing Sam. After days without communication, they finally contact each other and through the phone Grace said: “I am making it to the studio on Sunday, I don’t care if I have to sneak out. Sam, I’m so mad, I don’t know what to do. I want to run away right now. I don’t want to be in the house with them (146).” In this quote, Grace’s frustration is painfully obvious. She got caught doing something wrong and is now suffering the consequences of it. She plans to run away. As her reasoning is blinded by her anger, Sam reminds her: “You know I’d love to have you with me, and it will be that way, one day. But this isn’t the way it ought to happen (147).” Sam calms Grace down and reminds her not to be rash and impatient. It is important to never make decisions under the influence of anger, or violent

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