Comprehensive Sex Education Argumentative Essay

655 Words2 Pages

Ashely A Prasad
Professor Gluch
Phil 4 - Critical Thinking
18 November 2015
Argument-sexual education The issue is sexual education should cover all aspects of sex and not just certain topics. Good sex education is comprehensive sex education. Comprehensive sex education includes teaching about STI's pregnancy, protection, biology, and consent. Therefore, sex education does not need to cover the emotions of or how to communicate/navigate sexual intimacy. If you do not cover the emotional aspects of sex as well as communicating about it, how will others learn to make healthy and responsible choices that affect their lives; this is an important factor of what sex education should be include. Furthermore, the push for comprehensive sex education reveals people and groups against the education. Most people think that sexual education should be told by parents to their kids that it is their right to do so; while others who don't have the right information think that this program feeds misinformation to young adults. This position is best supported if we let the professionals, doctors/teachers whoever is best fit to do the teaching and inform the young adults about human sexuality and the other topics pertaining to it as a program in school. However, …show more content…

Proper sexual education pertaining to the physical aspect of sex would include the human body and its reproductive stages, having sex, abstinence, contraception, and the awareness of STI. The sexual intimacy aspect should cover relationships and the attached emotions with it, how do you see yourself: gender/image; communication would also be key like consent and making your own decisions. The goal of this program is to provide accurate information on sexual education, help the youth develop relationship and responsibility

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