Character Comparison: Elizabeth and Jane Bennet

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The Pride and the Prejudice is a story that tells the tale of Elizabeth Bennet and her sisters as they deal with the problems of manners, upbringing, morality and the ever growing pressure of marriage provided by their parents, (mostly by their mother, Mrs. Bennet). Elizabeth Bennet is the second eldest of the Bennet sisters and the protagonist of the story, she is a twenty year old intelligent and attractive woman with a playful and witty personality, and has a tendency to judge on the first impression, she is not the kind of woman who is impressed with titles and money, she believes that marriage should be based on love. Jane Bennet is the eldest of the bennet sisters, she is twenty-two and considered the most beautiful woman around. She is as sweet and playful as Elizabeth, only shyer and not as bright, out of all the Bennet sisters she is her mother favorite because of her beauty. Both Elizabeth and Jane are similar and different in many ways this essay will explain how different and similar they are, determining which sister has a stronger sense of character and who would survive in the real world. Only the strong and willful can make in the modern world. …show more content…

Out of the two Elizabeth is the sister that can make in the real world because she is stronger than Jane, Jane is simply too trusting, she likes everyone she meets, and trust everyone she meets, in the modern world trusting someone you don't knowing when you first meet them can have dire consequences. Elizabeth is more assertive, more confidant, not afraid to speak her mind those qualities make her independent, a person who doesn't need to relay on someone else for things that she can do her self. Jane is the type of person who has had people helping her since was born, she doesn't have the skills to survive in the real

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