Compare And Contrast The Myths Of The First Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is one of the most cherished holidays in America. It is a time for family and a time for appreciation. From the time we start school we are taught about the story of the first Thanksgiving. In short we are taught that English men and women came from their homeland to America in hopes of a better life. We now call these men and women pilgrims. While in America the pilgrims meet what are now called Native Americans and they exchange food ideas and create a feast together. In "Deconstructing the Myths of the "First Thanksgiving" by Judy Dow (Abenaki) and Beverly Slapin the story that were all taught since grade school is challenged.
The article debunks 10 different common “myths” about Thanksgiving. These myths include: when the …show more content…

The foods that we think were served at the feast were barely available/ accessible during the time of the “First Thanksgiving” (Deconstructing Myths of the First Thanksgiving). In addition to learning the truth about these myths, I was also shocked at the big role plants played in the “First Thanksgiving”. There were no convenient grocery stores during that time. All food had to be either grown or hunted. The amazing harvest (the growing plants) was the whole reason the pilgrims even thought about having a celebration that would later be called thanksgiving. They grew plants such as pumpkin and corn. Similar to now plants were thought of as a necessary source of nutrients. During that time, without plants or nay type of good harvest, it would have been very possible to starve to death. I am so shocked that almost everything that I thought about Thanksgiving was a lie and the wort part is that the truth is out there however America will continue to write their version of the “First Thanksgiving” in the history books to try to preserve some sort of integrity that is already

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