Compare And Contrast Diet Soda

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What we choose to drink can affect our health just as much as our eating habits. It is because of this that more and more people are going for little-to-no calorie options rather than high calorie options, which are supposed to be the ideal, chose. But is it? Have you ever had a sip of diet soda or regular soda and wonder what makes this drink so good? Or maybe the exact opposite, like what makes this drink so bad for you? These drinks can feel so refreshing on a hot summers day or even after a long day of work. What’s not so refreshing is what these drinks can do to your body. Some prefer diet soda because it doesn’t leave residue on their teeth. This is because diet soda gets it’s flavoring from artificial sweeteners, which is not natural sugar, and bacteria in your mouth needs sugar to grow. Although diet soda may not contain sugar, it does have acid, and over time this acid can strip the enamel from your teeth and leave them more vulnerable to cavities from other sugary …show more content…

Here are a few things both sodas have in common. Both sodas contain High Fructose Corn Syrup, which comes from corn. Most of this corn has been “genetically modified, and there are no long term studies showing the safety of genetically modified crops.” (Clark Howard. N.p., 14 Mar. 2016) The process of making High Fructose Corn Syrup involves mercury, which causes a variety of long-term health problems.
There is also no nutritional value in soda whatsoever. “Not only are there many harmful effects of soda, but there are not even any positive benefits to outweigh them.” (Clark Howard. N.p., 14 Mar. 2016 ) “Soda is an unnatural substance that harms the body.”( Clark Howard. N.p., 14 Mar. 2016) Another thing these sodas have in common is because of the “high sugar and sodium and caffeine content in soda, it dehydrates the body and over a long period of time can cause chronic dehydration.” ( Clark Howard. N.p., 14 Mar.

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