Communication During Crisis

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Communication during crisis situations can be determined as the foundation in having a successful outcome. Without a high level of rapport and partnerships with other agencies and community organizations, communication can very much be restricted. The communications between the agency, and the individual or group, who are experiencing the crisis is essential to the de-escalation of the situation. Moreover, the agency community relationship hinders on agencies ability to effectively communicate the impact a situation may or may not endure. Furthermore, during these situations the public and the media will be heavily involved in trying to obtain information in-order-for them to take the appropriate steps to protect themselves (Personal Communication, …show more content…

It is essential for these steps to include identifying risk, and risk reduction assessments, so that when a crisis does occur, decision making processes are much more efficient, and can also be an aid in identifying and organizing appropriate resources (Seeger, 2007). For these processes to be most effective, agencies should definitively identify the hazards they may have to overcome, as just like any other situation agencies will deal with, preparation is an asset. This type of preparation could lead to a quick fix to a crisis and or prevent the crisis all together (Seeger, 2007). Individuals within organizations need to be educated on the relationship between a crisis plan, and a plan regarding emergency response or management (Seeger, 2007). Having a foundation in the pre-planning systems, is essential to the actual response to a crisis. This way, individuals can take into account the systems when it is time for action. This can be a process includes outlining employee responsibilities, and procedures to coordinate with other organizations (Seeger, 2007). Furthermore, the crisis communication planning structure should be reviewed and revised regularly as conditions change or management sees fit (Seeger, 2007). Another step in the best practices of crisis communication is the development of partnerships with the

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