College Is Not Worth It Analysis

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Going to school at least another four years after high school seems like a lot, but, it could be worth it. Some people believe going to college is a waste of time. Others believe it is completely worth it considering the positive outcomes that come out of going to college. Taking the extra time and going to college, to better your education, is worth it. Going to college has multiple positive outcomes. In the article, “Next Time Someone Says ‘College isn’t Worth it,’ Show Them This,” written by, Kevin short, it states “People with bachelor’s degrees make around $300,000 more over their lifetimes than those with just a high school education...” By going to college, you get the opportunity to receive higher paying jobs than those that just went to high school. Short also stated, “... to make up the costs of getting a bachelor’s degree… Today it takes on average 10 years.” The amount of time it takes college graduates has lessened 15 years in the past 48 years. As time goes on, the amount of time it takes to repay college debts will continue to lessen. Some people worry about the cost the most. …show more content…

In the article, “Is College Worth It?”, the poll shows that 86% of college graduates say that college was a great investment for them. While college may be very expensive, the majority of graduates believe that it was worth it. Also in the poll, it shows that 55% of college graduates of a high education, believe that college prepares them for a job. Taking the time of going to college does not just better your education, it raises the amount of job opportunities there are available and prepares you for the job you decide on. Even though some believe going to college is not worth

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