College Admissions Essay: A Career In Digital Animation

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Animating is something that mankind has only experienced for a short while, thanks to the digital phenomenon, that artistic people of all ages have been taking an interest in. Personally, l believe being an animator has many perks and many life changing things that come along with a passion. The word animate is usually used to give an object life; the options include stop-motion animation, clay animation, and digital animation. Being in the decade that focuses on technology, I have found my focus to be shifted to digital animation. Since I am an artist of many diverse characters and a writer of original stories, I bring myself to wish to be an animator for a popular television show, written and designed by myself. If I was a digital animator, it would allow me to set a life out for myself, instead of worrying about a job interview or …show more content…

Because I am looking to be self-employed with my skills, I would not have to worry about a boss cutting my pay. Though, my company would have to hire extra animators because of deadlines set by producers , I would still be making a successful amount of money after giving paychecks to the crew. I’m a socially shy and inexperienced speaker who does not benefit from public speaking or giving a resumé to a manager that would be looking to hire me. If I had the advantage of being a talented self-employed digital artist and animator, I wouldn’t have to stress about looking presentable for an interview or fearing that I would damage my reputation. Ordinarily, there are minimum wages when an employee begins working. Fortunately, I would not worry with that, instead I would be given the task of organizing money and giving each employee a paycheck, as well as paying extra loans and fees that can come from supplies and technology for digital

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