Welding: A Future-Forging Career Choice

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Junior Research Paper Many metal objects seen are crafted by welders, including buildings, planes, trains, and automobiles. Because of welders the earth is able to progress further into the new age of metal. Welders are in a higher demand than ever due to this new age. Watching my friend turn welding into his career has really inspired me to take my life on this course. An additional career I’ve been thinking about is animating. I have always loved drawing, and making my own worlds on paper. Research and experience I am sure being a welder is the correct career choice for me based on what I love doing the most, and that's working with my hands to make something big. A career choice is being an animator. The job of an animator is usually a For this previous training it is fairly cheap. Considering they are just high school courses. However, further training is available if wanted, but college courses are a lot more expensive than high school courses. For example, a single welding course at Rogue Community College (RCC) can cost over $3,000 not including having to buy one's own welding equipment, which on its own costs hundreds of dollars. A MIG welder can run from $400-$1,000. Argon shielding gas is also hundreds of dollars. The average hourly pay for welder can range from $18-$25. For current and upcoming welders the future is looking very bright. Because of this new. metal age the earth is going into more and more companies are in need of metal workers. The employment rate of welders is rising everyday. The jobs of welders (no matter what they are) are becoming safer by the hour with tons of new PPE and safer welding equipment.this will come in handy in the future, but although things are getting safer things are also getting more dangerous due to new technology, but that's a risk worth taking for this job(“Industrial Welding The cost for a full year at Rogue Community College is over $9,000 or $9,384 to be exact. The equipment cost is a staggering $1,200 as well (“Industrial Welding Technology”). If it’s not obvious,my career choice is definitely welding, though animating does seem really fun and easy. With welding its full blown hands on. Welders are constantly doing something to help make the world a better and easier place. But with animating you would be able to create your own worlds and watch them come to life on a computer or TV screen. To end this career research assignment, I will say welding is the prefered job of the two. Welding is about creating physical things to help the public progress further into the future. Welding is about making it possible to get from point A to B in a much faster way. I am really looking forward to helping the world with this job, and using all the new technology that keeps coming out for this career. Taking Welding 1, 2, and metal fabrication are the reasons I want to become a welder. Just the fact of melting metals, and watching them connect to make structures is enough to make anybody wanna be a welder. Works

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