Civil Disobedience Negative Effects On Society

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I believe that civil disobedience can both positively and negatively effect a society. If one peacefully protests against a law that they believe to be unjust when others are too afraid to express that belief, a very positive change can occur. However, if that person sparks a successful movement to get rid of a certain law that is otherwise commonly believed to be good, then that society would be negatively impacted. Instead of peacefully protesting, I believe that it is more effective and efficient to hold certain assemblies and such that all people can participate and share their opinions on. Civil disobedience, although an often positive thing, can have very negative impacts on a free society. Peaceful protests often only contain people with the same opinion. This can make it
Each and everyone would post anonymously. Everyone who posts would have to veryfy that they are at least fifteen years old. The reason younger people cannot contribute is because they are often too immature to seriously express themselves. If a large community of people expressing their ideas is flooded with random nonsense, the overall productivity is diminished. The moderator would pick the top one hundred most discussed topics and at the end of the year there would be mini online polls to collect a general census and make change. In conclusion, civil disobedience would mostly negatively effect a society, and the best way to prevent the negative effects would be to have an online platform where people can peacefully share their beliefs. This platform would make change more efficiently and fairly, and would prevent a lot of violence. If this were to be implemented into today's society, the country would run more smoothly and a lot more fair. All people would be able to speak out and make a difference, whether they're too shy to do it in person, or just to

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