How Does Civil Disobedience Impact Society

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Civil disobedience does positively impact a free society, and let me tell you why. To start off civil disobedience causes change, and change is good. But before the change actually happens the idea needs to come from somewhere. What i mean by this is that when people participate in civil disobedience it shines light on our nations issues. The news channels feast over these types of things. The news channels want something that will gain attention of their viewers and anything to do with laws and government is a gold mine for FOX and MSNBC. An example of this is when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. This had such a great impact because the word of what she did spread so far and so fast. But shining light on to subject is only the first step to making an …show more content…

The times of segregation between whites and blacks are a perfect time to look at when talking about how people have the power. Back then when it wasn't okay for blacks to go into any restaurant they wanted they still did it for a greater purpose. The hope to someday be free and do whatever they want and eat where ever they want. It shouldn't come as a surprise when i say it worked, and today the United States is better for it. In reality some laws that are mad are bad laws and they need people to peacefully ignore them in order to make a change. That leads into my last point that laws need to change as society changes. The Constitution written by James Madison isn't the same today as it was when he first wrote it. That because society isn't the same as it was back then. Sometimes laws fall behind because society is changing so rapidly these days and you need people to participate in Civil Disobedience in order to change them and catch them back up. An example would be after the 9/11 attacks immigration laws changed dramatically the year

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