Civic Engagement: Dr. Martin Luther King

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Civic engagement involves contributing to the development a better civil society. It signifies an opportunity to create change for the better good of society. In this paper we will analyze civil engagement in its entirety and its role in politics and society by means of scholarly resources. We will also discuss the strategies employed by Dr. Martin Luther King to direct his efforts towards a better civil society.

Society has been molded by human interaction, the society results from the actions that are taken by each and every one of us. Most will argue that society has fallen from its once moral heights, while others will argue that society has grown in its own way, economically or culturally. Either way it’s perceived, we can conclude …show more content…

Martin Luther King was the loudest voice in the 50’s and 60’s, people would support him, talk with him and march with him. Therefore what did this man do to gather up the American movement? First of all, MLK was a man of the people. MLK spoke for his people, he lived the life he was so desperately trying to remove. MLK understood the hardships of life, the unforeseen circumstances that leave one crying out for help. When there was no help by the American government, MLK reached out his firm assuring hand. Society not only appreciated this but they supported it. An uncommon sight to see the general fight in the vanguards with the regular soldiers, it was innovative and it gave everybody hope of an impending change, thanks to MLK. Jackson (2007) refers to MLKs work as weaving “together African American dreams of freedom with global dreams of political and economic equality”. The keywords that can be found in that quote are together, freedom, dreams and equality. Words that give hope and reassurance of the guidance that you will receive from MLK. The way he spoke was also an indication of his virtues, he spoke with such passion that he would bring out the tears in many of his listeners. His passion spoke honesty and sincere care for the issues at hand, unlike politicians nowadays that have this façade persona to them who say the necessary things to get the approval however never delivering with any real answers. The issues at hand were always addressed by MLK, either it being at his famous March on Washington or a simple small address. His efforts were noted by the world as he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, an award that hold and promote peace through their actions. Martin Luther King fought the good fight, possibly having the best chance anybody has had to win the fight, unfortunately society refuses to give up their conformity to take a chance at a better world. Dr. King was assassinated for

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