Chief Mangan Case Study

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Chief Mangan’s approach to organizational change to community policing was about a vision. A vision to bring life back to a police department and the community. “While Mangan wanted to move the department closer to the community, as an outsider who needed to win the trust and respect of the department, Mangan’s first goal was to improve the department’s morale by upgrading equipment” (Cordner, 2016, p 482). His vision in driving administrators to build up one another information base, change administration abilities to collaborate, and most significant for a few, to cast off various generally basic authority principles and qualities. What better way of knowing what is needed or missing other than conversing with the community and staff. Mangan corresponded by listening to the ideas of the leaders of the community as well as improvement within the department. “Soon after Mangan took command, he gathered these …show more content…

Chief Mangan was the spearhead of new plans, however, the approval was still relied on by the Chief and his staff, he needed to permit administrators and first line officers to create general views and projects themselves. Hand-picked one for each department, Mangan gave them roles and duties to present to their staff regardless of where they ranked in that area. This was so that all departments could become one under one umbrella with different job duties to make the organization run smoothly. “While Mangan expanded the managerial duties, because civil service regulations controlled promotion throughout all levels of the department except for the Assistant Chief and Chief positions, he had little authority to replace supervisors who were not up to these new roles. As a result, Mangan identified individuals in the department who were innovators and gave them authority to design new programs, regardless of their rank” (Cordner, 2016, p

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