Character Analysis Of Miss Maudie In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Miss Maudie is a Mockingbird because she exerts positivity through other's lives. Miss Maudie wants Jem and Scout to "Take it all"(88) when trying to build a Snowman. Miss Maudie is subconsciously improving Jem and Scout's lives by providing them with snow in order to build a snowman. Jem and Scout have never seen snow before so Miss Maudie is adding onto the experience that Jem and Scout are having. Mockingbirds are making life better just by being there, even in a not so positive event - "Miss Maudie looked around, and the shadow of her grin crossed her face. 'Always wanted a smaller house, Jem Finch. Gives me more yard. Just think, I'll have more room for my azaleas now!'"(96). This demonstrates Miss Maudie's exerting positivity in a time of despair, showing that she doesn't have to try to be a mockingbird to make the world better around her. …show more content…

Leading off from this, we can tell she is not faking her positivity as she continues to stay optimistic - "Don't worry about me jean Louise finch...I'll build me a little house and... have the finest yard in Alabama"(97). This is important because she is reassuring scout that everything will be ok and telling Scout that there is nothing to worry about, even while being the person whose home literally burned down. Without even trying she is making scout feel better and not scared. She is also being happy and looking at the positive side of things. This positivity transfers from person to person in the town and keeps everyone happy and joyful. Overall, Miss Maudie is a perfect representation of a mockingbird because just by being there, she does nothing but good for the world around

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