Scout's Maturation in Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird: An Essay about Miss Maudie’s Impact in Scout’s Life

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As a child grows, many people influence their development as a person. Some people impact more than others, and a select few really leave their mark. In Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird,” several characters play this role. Among them, Miss Maudie Atkinson, a woman who proves herself a strong character, prevails as the one who has the greatest impact on Scout Finch, the protagonist of this novel. As Scout matures and grows up, her views on the world around her change. Through subtle yet effective ways, Miss Maudie teaches Scout many life lessons about being humble, judging, and attitude, all of which ultimately have a great effect on the kind of person Scout develops into and her outlook on the world. Among many things, Miss Maudie teaches Scout that she should not judge people based solely on rumors she might hear about them. Scout, being only six years old at the time of the story, believes everything that reaches her hears and takes most things literally. Rumors she hears about a man named Boo Radley, who many consider the town freak because of his different lifestyle and because nobody ever sees him, create in her the belief that he is a crazy maniac. The activities she takes part in with her older brother Jem and their friend Dill only fuel her theories about Boo. When Jem and Dill begin shunning Scout aside, she spends her time with Miss Maudie instead, and they develop a kind of friendship. Miss Maudie, a Baptist who loves nature, has high morals, and treats everyone as equals, aids in Scout discontinuing her belief about Boo Radley’s state of mind. At one point, they have a conversation regarding Boo. They discuss the rumors Scout has heard thus far about him, and Miss Maudie shoots down her beliefs. When Scout asks Mi... ... middle of paper ... ...of her father. She takes greater pride in calling herself his daughter, even though she cannot tell anyone about what happened. This event plays a great role in how Scout views talents and people’s attitude towards their own skills. Clearly, Miss Maudie Atkinson proves very influential in Scout’s life. Scout learns many lessons and morals from her, which ultimately help her become a better person. The lessons and morals Scout acquires provide her with many of the tools necessary for success in life and for improving her character. Among many things, Scout learns from Miss Maudie that she should not judge people or believe rumors, act humbly about any skills she possesses, and always maintain a good and positive attitude. However, not only Scout can learn from Miss Maudie. All individuals can take a lesson from Miss Maudie and become a better person in the process.

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