Challenges of Adolescents

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From the different ages people go through in life, teenagers are confronted with the most challenges. Teens do not get spoiled like a child and are not independent like an adult. Many parents do not understand the number of obstacles they have to overcome. The indisputably difficult challenges teenagers face as they play the role of adolescents are coping with a new school atmosphere, persuading parents their need for freedom, and overcoming social issues. One challenge adolescents face during their teenage years is adjusting to the unfamiliar school atmosphere. As teens enter junior high they start noticing how different the classes are and the tremendous amount of work. Compared to elementary school, junior high consists of more classes, meaning an increase in school work. After junior high, adolescents start high school, where everything becomes exceedingly important. When these young adults begin their journey in high school, they are told to not only have exceptional grades, but to also be involved in a reasonable amount of extra-curricular activities. Due to the fact students are not able to manage their time wisely between keeping up with grades and the extra activities they have joined, they become more stressed. In addition, competition in academics and extra-curricular activities increases. This means that these teenagers not only worry about how they are doing in school, but they are also concerned with others exceeding them. Teenagers begin to comprehend the importance high school has on determining where they will be in the future. An extremely complicated challenge teenagers have to face is convincing their parents the need to be independent. Teens understand the fact that they are considered young adults and begi... ... middle of paper ... ...g their lifetime range from getting familiar with a new grade to just talking with their parents. They may also face the challenge of being excluded from society or fitting in. Majority of these obstacles they face have an outside influence on them, demonstrating how hard it is to prove themselves as individuals. Individuality means a person with distinctive character, but sometimes a person cannot show their individuality because of how society is shaped. Although parents cannot do much, they should support and most importantly listen to their child. They can help their child get through a new school grade by showing them how to manage their time. Parents can allow their teen to be independent or help them with any bullying issues they may be facing. Reforms like these can be made, so these young adults do not have such a hard time playing the role of a teenager.

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