The Pros And Cons Of Anxiety

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Growing up, every person experiences challenges. They start off simple but become more complex approaching adulthood. We face these obstacles, conquer, and move on. However, almost one-fifth of the nation faces challenges that are crippling and impairing. Anxiety is an overwhelming sense of fear and worry that plagues the mind. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, roughly 18% of the country age 18 or older experiences an anxiety disorder, making anxiety the most common mental illness in the United States. Of these 40 million Americans, only 37% receive treatment. These numbers just get worse when we look at teenagers. Over 25% of children age 13-18 experience anxiety. Why are all of these people suffering from such a highly treatable illness? With the right …show more content…

A quarter of America's teenagers are suffering from an anxiety disorder. This can be attributed to the challenge every teenager faces, high school. The high school in itself is not the sole factor, but in cases of stress-induced anxiety, it adds pressure to students creating even more stress. Dealing with pressure is a part of growing up and being prepared for everyday life; however, today’s , but high-schoolers are being overwhelmed with stress. A survey by the American Psychological Association showed that almost 45% of high schoolers experience stress from their respective school. Different aspects of high school can all contribute to the problem one-fourth of America's teenager's face. The increased difficulty in coursework, the immediate necessity of responsibility, and the pressure of preparing for the rest of your life is daunting. This results in chronic stress, which is prolonged stress which in most cases leads to an anxiety disorder. If you take in to account the expectations of parents or and colleges, and the burden is even worse.far

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