Cedric Price

740 Words2 Pages

Y: I appreciate that you compare Cedric Price with the other architects about concept and design; I Have some questions about your simulation, I think it is interesting and based on some thought about
Y: I have some questions about your simulation, actually this kind simulation is quite interesting, I understand it is based on some thought of Cedric Price, but I am wondering why you did this? I think if you conduct with this kind of simulation, you want to verify some concept about Cedric Price, I am not so convinced what is verified? what was confirmed? Could you explain the relation between this simulation and his formal work (his original design)
T: explain the simulation. compare what is Cedric Price's work and immediate feedback, ....
Y: If the Cedric Price said the qualitative feedback is quite important, maybe you will devise the numbers or the frequency of the feedback that if you can should some instance feedback case is better perform than the other cases, than probably that can be the verification of your state. So if you have those kinds of relationship than I can understand why the rather one is so important and how they are related. Science that kind of relationship is missing for my opinion, so I am a little bit pazzd that of the feedback will show should take

Ima: I think your computer code is so interesting that can make many beautiful drawings.
Maybe you have found Cedric Price's concept had related to some kinds of computational design, so I think your originality is that you found the Cedric Price's thinking relate to computational design, but I feel some problem about that your simulation whether it is correct or incorrect, it is a mystery. How do you estimate that your program is correct or incorrec...

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...inacy idea in their work, and bring that idea to apply in the architecture, because we need some examples.

Now it is meaningful to see Price's projects in terms of contemporary architectural method, Cedric Price's limitation is using the temporary objects as his method, however, now sustainability or duration are the key words for architecture, it is changing at the same time continue, in the contract, Price emphasis on the temporary architecture. How do you think about that?
In Professor Ohno's common, because the projects didn't realized in the physical world only existent as a system, so in your literature review you mentioned about the multiple interaction and muli-agent- system, can the agents contribute to the culture, history and sociality? if you can explored more in that aspect, that will be even better for the thesis in the real design investments.

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