The Importance Of Architecture In Architecture

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Architecture is a unique process that involves many problem-solving abilities, thus it is more than a beautifully designed aesthetic presentation. It not only encompasses, but far surpasses many basic elements of design as it factors in human behavior, economics, geography and many other crucial challenges. All of these elements are integrated together to create a systematic and functional form.

My study in New York provided me with a unique opportunity to observe the relationship between architectural design and the city. Through the exploration of different sites each semester, including site investigation, data collection, discussions on various programs and projects, I gradually came to the realize that every site has its own specificity and unique flavor. The specificity of the site not only reflects the traffic and terrain of the surrounding environment, but also highlights the culture and socioeconomic development of a community. Architectural design is based on such a type of specificity to act as a feedback mechanism for its contextual environment through dealing with the specific problems in different sites.

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My only hope is that I can improve people’s lives through offering improved designs in architecture that are capable of solving some real-world problems, both large and small. I am passionate about discovering and solving the needs of diverse communities and bringing benefits to the contextual environment. However, I have much to learn and hope to achieve this goal through further in-depth research, strategies, innovative protocols and advanced study. I feel strongly that UCLA would be an excellent fit for me in reaching this goal since your program encourages students to investigate design form situated in diverse contexts and provide extensive knowledge that will help them in studying all aspects of architectural design

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