Cbt Reflection

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and gave them a sense of community. It was also mentioned in the article that along with group therapy, exercise should be part of the mother’s treatment plan. The approach to a more whole body health which includes mental health, physical health, including the people who support the mothers as well as surrounding the mother with people they can share and feel safe with seems to be very effective and takes on the mother as a whole rather than just focusing on their mental health. It wasn’t clear throughout the article how many women participate throughout the 8-week group therapy session. The article gave information on how long the group has run, and how many women have participated, but no indication on how many women attend each eight-week …show more content…

The group CBT worked for women who were concerned about breastfeeding while struggling with PPD instead of taking antidepressants. The article also describes the study between interpersonal therapy and group therapy and how to find the best treatment to fit the particular needs of each individual woman who suffers from PPD hoping to improve each women’s treatment plan. The study included 60 women who gave birth within the last three months. All women were assessed with the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory II. Depending on how the women scored on their evaluation determined which women were assigned to the intervention group and the control group. The intervention group was the group CBT and the control group was the group determent for the waiting list. The intervention group was 6 weekly 2-hour group sessions followed by a 1 month follow up session. The research found a lot of different results, but one of the main results was that group CBT has advantages over individual therapy, like mothers feeling a connection to the other mothers and not so isolated, feeling safe to share and be honest and that their coping skills improved by personal interactions with group members. Although Individual psychotherapy seemed more successful and effective the fact that group CBT is more affordable and also helps women suffering from PPD must be taking into consideration to offer all women the type of therapy that fits them the

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